Violin: form "MB" - XVII Century (MS 1)

He has written on the obverse the letters M * B, and on the back to the letter F. They are plotted in drypoint tre lines of the center and of the corner blocks. Presents the recesses for the positioning of blocks and the holes for the insertion of the pins necessary for the bonding of the ribs to the blocks.

  • XVII century, Cremona
  • Walnut wood
  • (right) M*B; (back) F
  • 34.3 cm
  • 1.4 cm
  • 15.6 cm
  • 10.1
  • 19.3 cm
  • Cremona, Museo del Violino
  • MS 1
  • Perpetual deposit of Giuseppe Fiorini, 1930
  • Francesco Stradivari 1737; Paolo Stradivari in 1743; Ignazio Alessandro Count of Salabue 1775; Matilde Countess of Salabue 1840; Giuseppe Rolando Marquis Dalla Valle; Paola Dalla Valle widow; Giuseppe Fiorini 1920; Municipality of Cremona 1930
  • Sacconi 1972; Mosconi-Torresani 1987; Pollens 1992; Mosconi-Torresani 2001; Gregori 2014; Cacciatori 2016

creato:martedì 15 aprile 2014
modificato:martedì 9 gennaio 2018