di Ceruti Riccardo Fabio (Enrico)
- Small Viola: paper model for the body (MS 780)
- Small violin: paper pattern for the body (MS 782)
- Small violin: paper pattern for the body (MS 783)
- Small violin: paper pattern for the body (MS 791)
- Small violin: paper pattern for the neck (MS 942)
- Small violin: paper pattern of tailpiece (MS 946)
- Small violin: pattern of f-hole (MS 962)
- Snips (MS 690)
- Spring compass (MS 708)
- Star-tip tools (MS 1112)
- Stitching awl (MS 1145)
- Strip of paper for measurement (MS 976)
- Strip of paper for measurement (MS 983)
- Strip of paper for measurement (MS 987)
- T tool ? (MS 1136)
- Three fork clamps - XVIII-XIX C. (MS 651-653)
- Tool with three uses (MS 1100)
- Triangular file (MS 1093)
- Triangular file (MS 1094)
- Veneer for purfling (MS 932)